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Belgian Chess History
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Soultanbeieff, Victor Ivanovich
Participant of
Belgian championship, Ghent
Liege championship, Liege
2nd La Nation Belge cup, Brussels
National interclubs
National interclubs
International tournament of the FBÉ, Spa
7th christmas congress, Hastings
Liege championship, Liege
CÉ Liège summer tournament, Liège
National interclubs
Match CE Liège vs. Limburgse SB, Liège
International quadrangular tournament, Maastricht
National interclubs
Team practice tournament, Ramsgate
International three cities tournament
International triangular tournament
National interclubs
Tournament of the International Exhibition, Liège
Liège Quadrangular, Liège
Centennial tournament, Ghent
International triangular tournament
Major international, Liège
12th christmas congress, Hastings
Belgian championship, Brussels
Match Soultanbeieff vs. Dunkelblum, Antwerp/Liège
Match Soultanbeieff vs. Dunkelblum, Antwerp
5th olimpiad, Folkestone
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
National interclubs
Liège vs. Dutch Limburg, Visé
Limburg vs. Liège, Visé
Belgian championship, Liège
Quadrangular tournament, Brussels
Match Soultanbeieff vs. Koltanowski, Brussels
INR match Soultanbeieff vs. Dyner, Brussels
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
National interclubs
International tournament, Ostend
Belgian championship, Ghent
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
National interclubs
Belgian championship, Brussels
CÉ Liège championship, Liège
National interclubs
Belgian championship, Namur
2nd All Saints’ day tournament, Ghent
National interclubs
Belgium vs. Netherlands, Brussels
International mass tournament, Ostend
CÉ Liège master tournament, Liège
Match Soultanbeieff vs. O’Kelly de Galway, Brussels?
Belgian championship, Brussels
Pentecost tournament, Ghent
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Devos vs. Soultanbeieff, Brussels
1st correspondence olimpiad
International tournament, Maastricht
Zaanstreek international, Zaandam/Wormerveer
Liège vs. Dutch Limburg, Visé
Easter tournament, Brussels
International tournament, Baarn
Pentecost tournament, Ghent
Wilhelmina tournament, Terwinselen
BSB/FBÉ championship, Antwerp
Échiquier Liègeois master tournament, Liège
25th Christmas congress, Hastings
12th Hoogoven tournament, Beverwijk
Big Cities tournament
Easter tournament, Brussels
Founding cities cup, Antwerp/Brussels/Ghent/Liège
BSB/FBÉ championship, Brussels
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Four cities tournament
6th capitulation tournament, Wageningen
FBÉ/BSB championship, Antwerp
29th christmas congress, Hastings
ASV tournament, Arnhem
7th capitulation tournament, Wageningen
1st An Tóstal tournament, Dublin
30th Christmas congress, Hastings
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
FBÉ/BSB championship, Antwerp
Waalbrug tournament, Nijmegen
20th Hoogoven tournament, Beverwijk
FBÉ/BSB championship, Mechelen
BSB/FBÉ championship, Brussels
Nieuwe Toren jubilee tournament, Eisden
FBÉ/BSB championship, Brussels
Maasbrug tournament, Venlo
FBÉ/BSB championship, Anderlecht
Belgium vs. France, Bruges
International tournament, Ettelbrück
Belgian championship, Brussels
Belgian interclub championship
Waalbrug tournament, Nijmegen
National interclub championship
4th Maasbrug tournament, Blerick
France vs. Belgium, Lille
Belgium vs. Luxembourg, Namur
Belgian championship, Mechelen
National interclubs
Belgium vs. France, Kortrijk
Luxembourg vs. Belgium, Luxembourg
France vs. Belgium, Armentières
Pentecost tournament, Antwerp
Luxembourg vs. Belgium, Luxembourg
Belgium vs. West Germany, Eupen
Belgian championship, Ostend
National interclubs
Belgian interclub championship
France vs. Belgium, Antwerp/Brussels
Four nations tournament, Troisvierges
Belgian championship, Spa
Four nations tournament, Mortsel