Netherlands vs. Belgium, Breda

29-06-1946 > 30-06-1946

1 Euwe, Machgielis ½-½ 1-0 Devos, Paul
2 Cortlever, Nicolaas ½-½ ½-½ Dunkelblum, Arthur
3 Vlagsma, Chris 1-0 0-1 Barzin, Marcel
4 Koomen, Willem ½-½ 1-0 Lemaire, Robert
5 Wind, Jean Marie Allard 1-0 ½-½ De Mey, Emile
6 Spanjaard, Eduard 0-1 ½-½ Gerits, Valère
7 Henneberke, Franciscus 1-0 1-0 Peeters, Francis
8 Stumpers, Louis ½-½ ½-½ Van Hoorde, Edouard
9 van Doesburgh, Gerrit ½-½ 1-0 Stuyts, Jozef
10 van Oosterwijk Bruyn, Jaap 1-0 1-0 Mollekens, Jozef
Tot Netherlands 6½-3½ 7-3 Belgium

[1] has two games, [2] has complete results. Apparently, there were two reserve players for each team (the Dutch players Nieukerke and Rassers scored respectively two draws and two victories) who played unofficial games. [6] mentions that the latter won his two games against a Vanstruijne; perhaps, Carlos Vantuyne is meant. [1] claims that this match was played in Den Bosch but all other sources I found quote Breda instead. In fact, [2] even gives the venue: café/restaurant Moderne. For the longest time, I did not know Wind’s first name, but it was found in [5] by Mr. Kersten. In the first round, De Mey lost on time, because he thought he has to play only 40 moves in 2:30′ instead of 45.


  • Most games.
  • The results of the reserve players.


  1. De Waarheid 20/07/1946
  2. Tijdschrift van de KNSB 1946/8-9
  3. Gazet van Mechelen 03/06/1946
  4. La Dernière Heure 07 & 14/08/1946
  5. This article, based on Kees Volkers, De balans clubblad UCS De Rode Loper, Vol.33 No.5 & Vol.34 No.1, Utrecht 2012
  6. Bredasche Courant 01/07/1946
  7. Revue Belge des Échecs Vol.2 No.8
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