Mechelse Toren, Mechelen


1 2 3 4 MP BP
1 SK Anderlecht 3 4 5 11½
2 Mechelse SK II 3 5 10
3 Mechelse SK I 6 2 10
4 CÉ Thibaut 2 0 0

Traditionally, the Mechelse Toren had been a knock-out tournament, but due to the very low number of teams enrolled, the organizers decided to make it a full-round tournament. By the last round, CÉ Thibaut was already sure it couldn’t win and they decided to forfeit their whole match. Luckily, it didn’t influence the standings. [1] gives full results, but unfortunately no games. Here are the round-by-round scores. The individual scores below don’t include forfeits.

Tonoli, José 1 1
Andries, Gommaar 1 2
Van Dam, Serge 0 1
Luyten, Roland ½ 2
Van Praet 0 1
Cooremans 2 2
Clément, Paul ½ 2
Kruys 1 1
Van Hoeck 3
Beatse 1 1
Backhaus 1 1
Zombek 1 1
SK Anderlecht 11½ 18
Van Humbeeck, Willy 0 1
Van Esbroeck 1 2
Geyssens 2 2
Gijsels 1 3
Van Praet 1 1
Heynen 1 2
Van Langendonck 1 2
Van Nuffel 1 1
Versele 0 1
Denef 2 2
Van Hoof 0 1
Mechelse SK II 10 18
Denckens, Leon 1 1
Schiets, Jan 0 2
Van Impe 2
Versé ½ 2
Huyck, Walter 1 2
Claessens 0 2
Pelgrims 0 1
Mechelse SK I 4 12
Thibaut, Georges Pierre 0 1
Van Osmael, Alexis 1 1
Vaver, Vladimir ½ 1
Vannerom, René 0 1
Plavchitch, Spiro 1 1
Schmilliver ½ 1
Schretter 0 1
Binder 0 1
Van Moortel 1 2
Muck ½ 1
Gamme 0 1
CÉ Thibaut 12


  • All the games.
  • The exact dates.
  • Many first names.


  1. De Volksgazet 15, 22 & 29/05/1962