Limburgse SB vs. CÉ Liège, Maastricht


1 Rosmüller 0-1 Engelmann, Marcel
2 Courtens, Frans 1-0 Jadot
3 Weisz 0-1 Baijot, Léon
4 Bakker ½-½ Lapeyre
5 van Gerstel 1-0 Boët
6 Vlekke ½-½ Borsu
7 Corten ½-½ Kryselitz
8 Nyburg ½-½ Fischer
9 van Tongeren 1-0 Bein
10 Beekman 1-0 Cordle
11 Bianchi +/- forfait
12 Franssen +/- forfait
13 de Waal 1-0 Buchet
14 Schafer 0-1 ?
15 Kerkoerle ½-½ Buhl
Tot Limburg 9½-5½ Liège

This match was played in the rooms of the chess club of Maastricht. [1], which is were I found the match table, gives the official score as 7½-5½, probably not counting the two boards Liège left unoccupied. It also gives only 14 players for Liège and that is counting the two players who didn’t turn up. I think the player on board 14 was forgotten, but it might be that Buhl played on 14 and someone else was on 15. Later the same year, there was a return match in which the Liège team was considerably stronger.


  • All the games.
  • Many first names.


  1. Limburgsch Dagblad 15/08/1928